WTC - Business Technology Services


What Compliance Standards Does Your Business Need To Maintain? Understanding HIPAA, NIST And CMMC

Compliance standards are some of the most important things a business needs to maintain to be profitable and well-respected while staying out of legal trouble. Failure to meet these standards will make ...

Patched Microsoft Outlook Vulnerability

Microsoft recently fixed a serious security flaw in Outlook that scored a 9.8 on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System. This flaw, CVE-2023-2339, is a zero-click vulnerability. It could let hackers steal sensitive ...

Harnessing the Power of the Internet of Things (IoT) for Business

You may have heard the term Internet of Things (IoT) as a business owner. But are you aware of its extent and how it can benefit your company? IoT is all about ...

SAP Releases Patches for Various Flaws

SAP, a leading business software company, recently released fixes for 19 bugs in its products. Hackers could delete files, add code, or access sensitive data through some of these flaws. Four flaws ...

5 Ways Technology Can Streamline Your Business Operations and Save You Time

As a business owner, time is your most valuable resource. Every minute counts and any inefficiencies or bottlenecks can cost you dearly in terms of lost productivity, missed opportunities, and reduced profits. ...

Slow File Transfer Windows 11 Solution

Microsoft has finally released a fix to address slow file transfer issues that plagued some Windows 11 users after an update. The slowdown has caused frustration for those who need to move ...

The Biggest Risk Is Not The One You Don’t Take, But The One You Don’t See

“The biggest risk is the one you don’t take” is a mantra you’ll hear motivational speakers deliver in their presentations to make the argument that you should throw all caution to the ...

5 Seemingly Innocent Download Habits Your Employees Must STOP Now To Avoid A Ransomware Attack

Once upon a time, you could install antivirus software and go about your merry way online and in your inbox, opening, clicking and downloading files without a care. Today, antivirus alone cannot ...

Bitwarden’s Iframe Flaw Explained

The purpose of password managers is to safeguard our login credentials and online accounts. However, a popular password manager recently made headlines for its major security flaw. Bitwarden is under scrutiny because ...

Everything to Know About Essendant’s Multi-Day Outage

Essendant, a Staples-owned wholesale distributor of office supplies and stationery, paused its operations recently because of a multi-day, network-wide outage. The system disruption has prevented customers from placing orders online or contacting ...


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